N KARPATHIOS SA is a family-owned business founded in 1981. Growing rapidly, it has been established as an industry leader in delivering outstanding projects and helping companies overcome logistics challenges and thrive in an organic way.
Over the years, we have expanded our activities, deepened our specialization, and pioneered the field of logistics to this day.
To date, KARPATHIOS has identified unique real estate investment opportunities procuring rapid delivery and providing lasting impacts on companies, connecting them with international gateways while serving local communities.
Η επιχείρηση μας, Ν. Καρπάθιος βρισκεται στη διεύθυνση Χατζηδάκη και Πάγκαλου Ελευσίνα, Αττική και δραστηριοποιείται στην κατηγορία Τεχνική Εταιρεία. Για περισότερες πληροφορίες παρακαλούμε καλέστε μας στο τηλέφωνο 2105540100.